Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Curb Your Carb Intake! Secrets Revealed!

The Connection to weight loss and dieting cannot be ignored. In fact they work hand in hand. So when you hear that diets that require you to curb your carb intake, by researchers and nutritionists, as being accurate and effective in weight lose, then what is the use of diets?
If you are planning to curb your carb intake or eliminate carbs entirely, you should be aware that carbs are an essential part of a healthy diet. Indiscriminate curbing your carbs may caused adverse effect to your body…namely:
Body response to low carb diets:
a) Nausea, headaches, bad breath and dehydration are the result of low energy levels because of very low carb diets
b)Low carb diets will reduce fitness performance and the drive to exercise
Besides this low carb diets force the body to use protein from food for energy instead of glucose. With this level of low carbs or no carbs there will be an incomplete breakdown of fat that produces a byproduct called ketones
Research has shown that you do not need to eliminate carbs or curb you carb intake. Instead, you should eat carbs that have a low glycemic index.Knowing that there are some foods which have higher calories than others will also put you on the right track.
It is recommended that when grocery shopping, you read the labels...and see how many calories an item has.
In addition.if you want to curb your carb intake, by not eliminating carbs, you should reasearch which carbs are part of the low glycemic category.
Cutting out carbs from an eating plan is a short term weight loss solution. Stay away from low carb diets and lose more weight simply by eating the right metabolism burning foods. So curb that carb intake and Strip That Fat without low carb diets.

Click Here to find out how to Trim That Fat.

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